
I’d like to introduce you to Mr AI.

He wasn’t always Mr AI though.

He was a regular marketing guy, like the rest of us...

...generating leads for lawyers.

Keen for his Clients to be the best…

...he spent months tweaking his targeting, funnels, creatives, social media posts, blogs, and website updates over and over.

Only to get hit with emails like this, all too often:

“Can we put a stop to the marketing please, the quality of Clients is just not there.'

So he did a bit of digging, …

It turns out most attorneys don’t like to answer the phone 24x7 and hated wasting their time and money on qualifying “free referrals”.

Good quality Cases were being thrown away.

New Client Cases were sitting around going cold and Mr AI was getting an ear-bashing, even though he wasn’t at fault.

Around the same time, ChatGPT-3 was released and Mr AI got super curious!

Could he get the technology to understand if someone qualified for a service, based on the information it was fed?

And could he then ask it to respond appropriately, intelligently and in a human-like fashion?

(In fact, even better than human)

Figuring it out, was no picnic!

Eventually, Mr AI built this new qualifier into his landing page and added a scheduling bot for good measure.

These were the results:

Pre-qualified appointments skyrocketed!

His attorney Clients were talking to highly qualified cases, who were booking into their calendars without any further effort on the firms part.

This AI-driven double opt-in ensures you’ll only speak with 100% qualified prospects, meaning they’re some of the strongest quality Cases in the market - And Legally Compliant with CANSPAM and TCAP Acts.

The Before and After, looks like this:

But how does it all work, ?

By feeding the AI with criteria gathered from our enquiry forms, it digests this information and assesses whether or not a prospect qualifies for your services.

The AI then communicates back with the prospect providing detailed answers as to whether they qualify and why…

…adding a human touch by relaying specifics from the initial information provided.

Those that qualify are then invited to book an appointment with you.

You may have seen a problem, ?

Cases that aren’t ready to book a call, will fall through the cracks!

If your firm hasn’t got sales staff to follow up? Unfortunately, those Cases are on the long road to nowhere.

Mr AI saw this problem… and weighed up his options.

One of his options was to do nothing.

Mr AI could hire a salesperson to help work the Cases.

At $30/hour for 40 hours/week. That’s $1200/week or $62,400 per year.

That’s more costs coming out of his own pocket...

…and then he’s still got to train them.

Plus, asking highly skilled, costly staff to do a menial and monotonous task felt like a huge waste.

Instead, Mr AI needed something that could cope with asking repetitive qualification questions, without ever missing a reply

...would be quick-witted enough to adapt against the most contrary prospects, without ticking them off

...and would be available 24/7.

Even the most committed salesperson couldn’t fit the bill. He needed an AI Sales Assistant!

So, - we went out and built one.

We all know the longer you wait to contact new Cases, the less likely you are to turn them into Clients with your firm.

So as well as adding out-of-hours customer service support…

Mr AI can now squeeze way more juice out of a database by initiating a campaign and have the AI instantly chat with them via SMS, Facebook, Whatsapp or WebChat.

The AI Sales Assistant sifts out the Cases that don’t qualify, whilst engaging the ones that do, ready for final stages and for a human to take over.

So, - how is this different?

By laying out a set of instructions, the AI knows that its main objective is to qualify the prospect and mimic a natural, human-like response.

The AI has access to the full CaseConnector.io conversation and as a result will intuitively reply and converse with prospects, via an infinite number of messages.

Try as you might , you won’t hit that annoying feedback loop we all despair from other programmatic chat-bots.

You’ll only move Cases closer to a Clients, by getting them to choose a specific time to speak directly with you based on your real-time Calendar availability.

I’m not sure AI can replace anything completely. Maybe it will in the future? But it’s not there yet.

What it can do is the majority of the heavy lifting for you, freeing up your time (and your admin/sales team’s) for things that require more finesse.

The result for your law firm, ?


Meaning, you can focus on the things that will grow your firm rather than getting caught up in new Client enquiries.

If you don’t fancy handing over $1200/week to hire an extra salesperson…

But think that getting an AI Sales Assistant working properly, without costly glitches

…sounds like a lot to figure out.

You’d be right.

That is why we built the AI Sales Assistant for our Top-Tier Subscribers.

Once implemented and optimized

...your firm will leap ahead of your competition, in the race to embrace AI.

We’re handing over the controls to our Click & Deploy Managed AI Sales Assistant,

Wait, it gets better...

Right now, for our 4th of July special promotion

we're giving you our Top-Tier +AI Subscription, including our Managed AI Sales Assistant for ONLY $397 (RRP $997).

Not only is our AI cheaper than hiring a full team, it's also more reliable, works 24x7 without breaks, and is capable of handling anywhere from 1 to 1000 messages simultaneously.


As part of our Top-Tier +AI subscription, we'll also throw in these BONUSES:

  • FREE setup to get you started without extra changes

  • Dedicated AI Manager

  • White glove onboarding for a seamless transition

At CaseConnector.io, we believe in growing with our clients.

Your success is our success. We're a performance-based company, and we thrive on driving results for you.

Like Mr AI, you can DOUBLE book and increase show rates, while TRIPLING Case quality by deploying our AI Sales Assistant into your firm’s marketing strategy.

Our ready-made solution means you can power up your own AI Case qualifying machine, without needing a degree in computer science or an in-house AI expert.

PLUS, you’ll get access to these additional features as well:

  • Designer Support

  • AI Scheduling Assistant

  • AI Content Generator

  • Unlimited Users

  • Unlimited Cases

  • 24x7 Web, Chat, Zoom Support & Customization

  • Meeting Scheduling Automation via Outlook/Google Calendars

  • 2 Way SMS and Email Conversations

  • Review & Reputation Management

  • Web/Google/FB/WhatsApp Chat

  • Social Media Planner

  • SMS & Email Templates

  • Reporting & Analytics

  • Forms and Survey

  • Automated Follow Up

  • Automated Workflows


Get ahead of the curve and deploy our Managed AI Sales Assistant into your firm now, .

Unleash Unstoppable Efficiency this 4th of July

24/7 AI Powered Sales Assistant Tailored for Your Law Firm

$997 $397 - UNTIL 4TH JULY!

To your Success,



Streamline Sales

Generate More Leads

Build Your Brand

Impress Existing Customers

AutomButtonate Tasks

8 The Green, STE A, Dover, Delaware, 19901, United States

© Copyright CaseConnector.io 2024

© Copyright CaseConnector.io 2024