
Free Up your Paralegals from mundane call-taking and client screening!

Use SMS, Webchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram to:

Qualify and Onboard Clients Automatically 24x7 with the AI Consult Booking Agent

AI Onboarding Paralegal

Monitored by humans 24/7

Customised to your firm’s brand and identity

Built by humans for humans

Let's Get Started

  • Fill out the form with your contact information to get an Instant Chat Demo with the AI Consult Booking Agent.

  • Once the form is submitted the AI Consult Booking Agent will send you an SMS within 30 seconds.

  • Ask the AI Consult Booking Agent a question and have a chat to gain firsthand experience of what your future clients will encounter.

You can opt out of the chat at any time - No strings attached


Transform your law firm's client intake process with the AI Consult Booking Agent

  • Say goodbye to paralegals handling calls and screening clients and embrace AI-driven client engagements.

  • Stay connected while on the move, monitoring and engaging in conversations at your convenience all through an app.

  • The AI Consult Booking Agent is personalized to suit your firm's needs, ensuring a seamless experience for potential clients.

Take the AI Consult Booking Agent for a Test Drive

The benefits of having the AI Consult Booking Agent

Seamless Client Onboarding

The AI Consult Booking Agent streamlines client management by warming, qualifying, and auto-scheduling clients directly into your calendar.

Maximize Client Conversion

The AI Consult Booking Agent ensures each client query is attended promptly and accurately, enhancing client satisfaction, and boosting your conversion rates.

Rapid Response Times

No more waiting! The AI Consult Booking Agent provides instant responses, 24x7, creating a seamless and efficient client experience that sets your firm apart.

Exceptional Cost-Effectiveness

Imagine slashing your onboarding costs to just 1/20th. With the AI Consult Booking Agent, you'll experience the performance of a traditional paralegal at a fraction of the cost.

Always Available, Never on Vacation

Holidays? The AI Consult Booking Agent is at your service 24x7x365, ensuring your firm never misses an opportunity. With zero holidays taken, your firm can operate at peak efficiency, all year round.

Take the AI Consult Booking Agent for a Test Drive

Interact with the AI Consult Booking Agent, ask questions, and gain a firsthand experience of what your future clients will encounter.

How It's Done

An AI Onboarding Paralegal can do most of the work for you


High-Quality Cases

By feeding the AI Onboarding Paralegal with pre-determined criteria about your legal practice, it digests this information and assesses whether a prospect qualifies for your firm’s service.


Avoid Time-Wasting

This means more qualified cases, avoiding time-wasting on meetings with prospects that aren’t the right match for your firm.


Human Touch

The AI Onboarding Paralegal communicates back with the lead providing detailed answers as to whether they qualify and why - adding a human touch by relaying specifics from the initial information provided.

Take Our AI Onboarding Paralegal for a Test Drive

See what other law firms are saying

A game changer for our law firm's client onboarding process

As a growing law firm, we were constantly struggling to manage our client onboarding process and maintain an efficient appointment scheduling system. However, since we've started using the AI Consult Booking Agent from, we've experienced a remarkable improvement in our onboarding process.

James S., Chicago, IL

Transformed the way we book meetings and communicate with prospects.

Our firm was constantly seeking ways to improve our client scheduling process and enhance our overall communication efficiency. This is when we discovered the AI Consult Booking Agent from, and it has truly revolutionized the way we manage our appointments and engage with clients.

Ashley W., New York, NY

What sets the AI Paralegal Onboarding Assistant apart is its ability to communicate with clients in a personalized and engaging manner.

It’s able to provide personalized responses that address clients' specific concerns, adding a human touch to our interactions. Our clients have expressed their appreciation for the prompt and comprehensive responses they receive from the AI Consult Booking Agent, significantly reducing the need for lengthy back-and-forth communications. A valuable addition to our law firm.

Jack H., Houston, TX

One standout feature of the AI Consult Booking Agent is its intelligent pre-qualification system.

It adeptly identifies prospective clients that align with our firm's areas of expertise, allowing us to prioritize our meetings with clients who are more likely to benefit from our services. As a result, we've experienced better time management, increased conversion rates, and heightened client satisfaction.

Christopher B., San Jose, CA

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Cancel Anytime?

Yes! You can cancel anytime if you're not completely satisfied with our service. Although, we know you're going to love us!

Are there additional fees?

The monthly subscription covers your access to the platform and allows you to have unlimited users within it. The only other fee that may be charged is for usage of SMS & Email. However, these charges are minimal, just $10 dollars will give you about 10,000 emails or 1,000 text messages. Unless you are running extremely large marketing campaigns that much is sufficient for most small businesses. Plus, we also provide you with complimentary credits to get you started.

Do you offer support?

YES! We provide you with help docs, video how to tutorials, step-by-step guides, interactive user guides, and even Live Chat tech support. If that's not enough, we also offer on-demand Zoom support. You will have all the help you need to be fully successful!

Do I get training?

We want to make sure you are set up for success, so we offer a service to help you get set up and train you on how to use on a day-to-day basis. You'll be greeted with an hour long training session and technical set up call. You'll experience a white-glove onboarding experience to get you ready to grow your business.

I don't have time. How can this help?

We understand the time constraints faced by legal professionals. That's precisely why our AI Consult Booking Agent is designed to automate and streamline your lead qualification process. By using the AI Consult Booking Agent, you'll save valuable time by allowing it to handle initial interactions, information gathering, and lead scheduling on your behalf. Focus on important tasks while our AI Consult Booking Agent works 24/7 to qualify, warm, and schedule leads.

Does it work?

Absolutely! AI Onboarding Paralegal has delivered outstanding results for numerous law firms. Clients have experienced significant improvements in their lead conversion rates and efficiency. By automating lead qualification, you can expect to see a reduction in time wasted on non-viable prospects and an increase in high-quality cases. Don't just take our word for it – check out our testimonials to hear directly from satisfied law firms.

How much does it cost?

$997 p/m. For a limited number of customers only, we’re giving you our AI Consult Booking Agent on a risk-free basis and if you aren’t completely satisfied within 60 days, let us know and you won’t pay a cent. We believe in delivering value and aligning our success with yours, ensuring you receive a positive return on your investment.

What's included when I purchase?

When you purchase our AI Consult Booking Agent, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of tools and features.

This includes:   
- AI Consult Booking Agent (Powered by ChatGPT and monitored by humans)

- FREE setup to get you started

- Dedicated AI Manager

- Optional pay-per-case to grow your firm with pre-qualified Cases
- Unlimited User

- Unlimited Cases

24x7 Zoom Support Our goal is to provide you with a powerful and customized solution to enhance your lead conversion process.

What's different from competitors?

The AI Consult Booking Agent stands out from the competition due to its unique "pay when you see results" approach. We believe in delivering tangible outcomes and aligning our success with yours. The AI Consult Booking Agent is designed specifically for the legal industry, incorporating a human touch into interactions. With our comprehensive features, personalized support, and risk-free trial, we provide a practical and effective solution that sets us apart from the rest.

Streamline Client Onboarding: Eliminate Out-of-Hours Scheduling, Unqualified Referrals, and Low-Quality Clients

Take the AI Consult Booking Agent for a Test Drive


Streamline Sales

Generate More Leads

Build Your Brand

Impress Existing Customers

AutomButtonate Tasks

8 The Green, STE A, Dover, Delaware, 19901, United States

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